New Ways of Working
Purple Change delivers bespoke change programmes for companies introducing new services, systems or processes.
As with any organisational change, our first focus is on what new ways of working will mean for the people in the organisation. What impact will it have on them, and how can we effectively guide them through the process in order to build their confidence?
Employee engagement and involvement are key to embedding successful change, and we work with you as business leaders, and people across your organisation, to guide you through a process of awareness-raising, acceptance, action and advocacy.
Achieving this relies on building strong relationships with the people we work with. People accept change at different speeds, and our genuine interest and empathy for the people we work with enables us to understand their perspective and address resistance at the right time and at the right pace.
Through building strong relationships, we are able to remove barriers, ensure the right skills and capabilities are embedded at the right time, and embed new ways of working in a way that ‘sticks’.
Recent Projects:
Global Roll-Out of Mining Standards - The client wanted to embed a ‘best-in-class’ approach to mining standards, requiring education and adoption of stringent standards. We enabled them to roll-out new standards to site teams globally through a process of awareness-raising, engagement and education.
Supporting Delivery of a Talent Management Project - Working closely with the Talent Management team to transform their talent processes and systems. We developed and delivered the change communication strategy and plan. Defining events and materials to engage and excite the talent management team, with tools and communication assets to support change in their region. This prepared Talent Managers to implement changes in their areas of the business.
We work effectively with leaders to:
gain clarity on new ways of working with a clear path to move from the current state to a new state
understand how changes impact different groups of people, exploring all possible blockers or levers for change
prepare managers for changes, equipping them with the right responses and tools to support their teams
develop a strong engagement programme explaining the why, what and how of any changes being implemented
measure progress of change and keep momentum throughout the change process
ensure changes are embedded and reinforced once in place
“Jane’s in-depth approach in talking through the change & communication journey and explaining the steps we need to go through to deliver a strong outcome has been very impactful. I have learnt so much from working with Jane and I am taking much of it into my day-to-day work too. I cannot recommend Jane highly enough.”