Why Purple Change?

During a personal experience of business transformation, Jane faced her own struggles with a lack of work-life balance, and wasn’t enjoying work. 

Her business coach asked her, “How do you want your experience of work to feel? And what would you call that feeling? Naming it will help you to tap into it.” 

Jane closed her eyes and searched for the feeling she needed. In just a few moments she found the sensation she was looking for and felt goose-bumps on her skin. 

She called that feeling ‘Purple.’ Her favourite colour when she was a child (though she called it ‘plurple’ then), purple felt warm, familiar, supported and secure. 

When building her own consultancy, Jane recognised that ‘purple’ feeling as one that many people identify with and search for in their working lives. 

It is only when people feel that sense of security and encouragement that they are truly able to embrace change, innovate, and excel. 

Enabling people to access and experience that ‘purple’ feeling is at the heart of the Purple Change ethos.